This Blog covers nature sightings and related news in the Calderdale area.
It includes all groups - Plants, animals and fungi with links to specialist sites.
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Thursday 17 March 2011

Tree Sparrow Main Colony also Toads on the move.

At Jay House Lane today, two of us were replacing repaired nestboxes and painting numbers on them. Lots of sparrows in the area. Thanks to Paul for the repairs.

One that had had a dead fledgling in (No. 01 on the big oak at the top) last autumn today had a fresh nest built in it. (Materials - hay and straw.) But no eggs yet.

A big weasel, no black tail tip - so not a stoat, crossed the road.

The first part of the hedge-laying, and the replanting in hedge gaps, has been completed. Second part of the laying will be done by the contractors in 2012.

I have had word that toads have started moving at Lumbutts in numbers (they have enough volunteers there) but I haven't seen any at Washer lane.

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