This Blog covers nature sightings and related news in the Calderdale area.
It includes all groups - Plants, animals and fungi with links to specialist sites.
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Thursday 7 April 2011

Lepidoptera eggs

One for Charlie or Andy.
These eggs are in my potting shed. Any ideas what species? We
had similar last year under a window sill. The caterpillars that emerged appeared to all die a few feet away.


  1. Hi Bruce,

    They look like a batch of Vapourer moth eggs to me.I was fortunate to see a pair mating on my Cotoneaster in the garden soon followed by the female laying hundreds of eggs.She often does this on the cocoon she emerged from.Some photos here:

    If you want to rear them or re-locate them, bramble is a good foodplant.

  2. Thanks for the information Charlie. We will let nature take its course and keep watching.
