This Blog covers nature sightings and related news in the Calderdale area.
It includes all groups - Plants, animals and fungi with links to specialist sites.
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Wednesday 17 June 2020

It's those pesky weeds again

The newly built school at Todmorden, with re-graded slopes at school entrance, seeded with a wild flower mixture last year. 

Beautiful show of flowers and grasses this spring with bees and butterflies, so I took a photo.
Yet within just a few days the whole lot had been mown down.

Why would anyone contemplate doing this and think it a good idea; particularly as it was specifically sown to be an attractive entrance to an educational establishment.

We are all encouraged to keep an area for wildlife, yet this kind of official behaviour continues and scraped clean grassland is proudly proclaimed as the ideal level of attainment we should all aspire to.


A few days later


  1. Utterly ridiculous. I can't stand this sort of behaviour. To be honest the mowing down is ignorant. Some people need to understand that if we do proceed to deforest mow etc there will be no habitat for animals etc. And without animals, insects the lot humans would have no food. This sort of thing is awful behaviour and should really be stopped NOW on a global scale. It is the same as cutting down the Amazon Rainforest albeit on a smaller scale. Utter thoughtlessness.

  2. Well put Edward. It seems as if there's a mentality that thinks "They wouldn't have invented strimmers and mowers if we were'nt meant to keep places tidy."

  3. Indeed Steve. I do the 'Rishworth' posts on Calderdale Moth blog, if you don't know I am.
