This Blog covers nature sightings and related news in the Calderdale area.
It includes all groups - Plants, animals and fungi with links to specialist sites.
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Monday, 21 March 2016

A bat feeding at mid-day.

Brian Taylor sends these observations and thoughts - "at Gorpley dam yesterday (Sunday 20th March) I came across a bat, which I took to be a pipistrelle as it was quite small, hawking for flies around the dam wall and the water treatment plant (particularly the pond), in broad daylight around mid-day. Presumably it had woken up hungry!  I wondered whether they might roost in the old mine adits?   Have others been seen emerging from hibernation?

On the moor nearby I've seen snipe recently, and yesterday a surprisingly confiding golden plover -with white underparts apparently indicating winter plumage, or a first summer male- and got to thinking its that time of the year when we need to be talking to dog owners about the need to keep their pets under close control on moorland.  There was an excellent article in the Rochdale paper recently by someone from Lancs Wildlife Trust.  He wrote it from the point of view of a responsible dog owner.  As you're no doubt aware, there's still/also a need for more and better notices at access points round here ..."

with best wishes, Brian.


  1. Emma and I saw a bat at Dixon Scar, Sowerby Bridge, early evening last week.
    Saw my first Bluebell in flower yesterday in Beestones Wood.

  2. Some interesting observations there, Brian.

    Given the lack of potential roosting sites nearby the mine adits could be worth checking out (externally!). One way to check for likely hibernation sites is to look for 'swarming' outside entrances in late Autumn/early Winter.

    As for signage in relation to dogs and breeding birds, we can produce signs for key locations. If anyone wants signs they should contact Incidents of dogs off leads causing disturbance to breeding birds should be reported to or 01422 288001


  3. Thanks for these comments. I may keep one eye open for bats while out toading soon, then - or rather two eyes, occasionally :). Presumably 'swarming' would take place in the early evening?
