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Friday, 5 March 2021

Crimsworth Dean

Plusses ++ and minus's --today as we walked the length of Haworth Old Road as far as the 'summit' and return to Pecket Well

On the walk along the road we came across a few of these posters. We have seen them there in previous years but it's encouraging to see them still in place. Let's hope drivers take note as the year progresses and give these precious creatures a life chance. 

On the down side we saw a couple of notices saying Lumb Falls was closed due to anti-social behavior, litter and the like. What a shame that such a lovely local beauty spot should suffer from this sort of misuse. There is also a notice nearby to say the footpath is still open so that's good.

Viewing the outstanding views of the hills from the top of the road - how disappointing to see 6 big heather moorland fires across the vista towards and beyond Keighley and into Wharfedale. Thankfully we did not see any fires in our own area but they were also burning heather moor today in the north Peak. 
One wonders if the message will ever get through !!!

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