This Blog covers nature sightings and related news in the Calderdale area.
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Sunday 3 May 2020

Tadpoles at four weeks old

The fifth post showing the progress of the frog tadpoles in my garden pond.

Not many photos to show this week owing to the breakdown of my well-used macro camera lens! Could only manage this blurry effort, showing that the tadpoles have got a little bit rounder and even more speckled. They seem much more aware of me as a potential predator, swimming under a leaf as soon as my shadow falls on the pond.

Here are a few photos from my garden taken earlier this week.

Just looking closely at the pond, I suddenly became aware of the inscrutable gaze of this small frog. 

Something flew heavily around the garden, eventually careering into the ivy. It was this shield bug.

New oak leaves, Quercus robur. Note the tiny pink female flowers.

Until next week, when I hope my new camera lens will have arrived!


  1. Sorry to hear about your lens, Julian, but they are still awesome pictures! The new Quercus leaves are really beautiful - I also like the unfurling Sycamores at this time of year.

    1. Thanks Annie, all but the blurred tadpole were taken before the lens bust. I've ordered a new one - need it ASAP!

  2. On the canal today I saw some beautiful blue shiny iridescent beetles 😍

  3. Sounds unusual. Quick Google turns up fuchsia flea beetle, mint beetle, alder leaf beetle. Did you get a pic?

  4. Alder leaf beetles turn up at Cromwell Bottom on the reserve - beautiful blue as you describe. You could fit 4/5 on a drawing pin if that helps with ID.
