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Saturday 1 December 2018

Trees at Erringden Grange

Erringden Grange, on Kilnshaw Lane above Hebden Bridge, is an early 19th century listed farmhouse and barn. (Erringden thought to be of Norse origin "The valley of the high ridge"). It also has numerous adjacent fields with rectangular field patterns, as well as an old Hawthorn hedge now in need of some care and new saplings for continuity.

But what makes the fields unique in the Calder Valley are the small diamond shaped enclosures at all the wall intersections. Look at a map to get a better impression.

There are (or were) about 50 of these enclosures shown on the OS map of 1849 and each contains planted trees of mainly Beech and Sycamore. These trees are possibly over 180 years old.

Some of the enclosure wall 'diamonds' are now falling down or have been removed but most are surprisingly still extant. Many have the original trees but some are entirely bare, such as the ones near Rake Lane. Wouldn't it be good to see these replanted and keep this interesting landscape for the future.

     Sycamores by the side of Kilnshaw Lane

200 year old Hawthorn hedge. No berries for birds if not cared for

Another small enclosure. Wall now gone and stock able to damage the Ash trees.
Bark eaten away on one in the background.

Nearest looks like it may be a lapsed pollard.

Erringden Grange

Fallen Ash has recovered and sent out upright trunks.
Could last for centuries if treated as coppice (if Ash-Dieback doesn't see it off)

Erringden Grange. On the right in the fields is a tree enclosure

Tree enclosures--another 48 in adjacent fields

Ash; may have been a pollard


  1. Are those the set of fields which have a single tree in a corner, repeated across the hillside?
    I think I've seen them from across the valley. I guessed they were planted as shade trees for the farm animals.
    Sycamores are very good for this. Old farm houses often have an old sycamore planted close by on the south side.
    There is a prejudice against sycamores but I think they are marvelously picturesque when they are a few hundred years old.
    I also love that horizontal Common Ash. Must go up there and look for it. A great example to be reproduced as a bonsai, though common ash doesn't make a good bonsai, nor does sycamore. The oriental Trident Maple is much better.

  2. Hi Steve, sounds like it is the same fields, although many of the corners have more than one tree. Shade trees are very important for farm animals and are also useful for firewood etc (that pollard Ash may be for that reason). I think the main reason for the corner trees on this farm is an example of landscaping and pride in showing off to fellow landowners. A lot of effort and expense went into it and we should be thankful. A shame really that everything is utilitarian these days and with it a lack of any continuity. Not sure a Bonsai is the same as coppicing but thanks for Trident Maple--I will look it up.


  3. A really interesting post and somewhere I shall try to visit to see for myself.
