Autumn Crocus Walk to Ogden, Soil Hill and Oats Royd.
There will be a walk this coming Saturday the 20th of September to see the Autumn Crocus. There should also be plenty Fungi to see. Meet School Lane / Riley Lane junction at 10:30 or Bradshaw Church at 10:45 for a 3 to 4 mile gentle stroll. Bring refreshments. Bruce.
These are just below Dean Lane, Sowerby, only re-found recently.
The Autumn Crocus are very early this year, which Bruce alerted us to. Any sightings would be gladly received. Take care not to mix them up with Colchicum which is grown in gardens, and misnamed Autumn Crocus by some garden centres.
A good display of them for less mobile people is usually in a roadside field on the left just before the former Withens Pub above Wainstalls at Cold Edge. They have been known there for over 100 years. Steve.