This Blog covers nature sightings and related news in the Calderdale area.
It includes all groups - Plants, animals and fungi with links to specialist sites.
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Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Planning Application


I just wanted to inform your members that there is a planning application for a 60 bed 5 story Hotel on Wakefield road at Copley (opposite Lloyds banking group).

I know that this area is used by Deer and that otter have been spotted on the Canal. There will also be a vast number of trees which will be removed.

Here is the link to the application if your members would care to look and make their objections:-

Kind Regards



  1. I am thinking of not objecting to this application. It is beside a busy main road after all.
    We could appeal firmly for the grounds to be wildlife friendly, and for the building to be designed from the start with nest holes integrated into the roof edge for Swifts, and with overhanging eaves for House Martins.
    Not objecting to some applications makes other objections more powerful if anything more damaging comes up.
    What does anyone else think?

    If it were to go to housing it would increase the number of free range cats in the area.

  2. The council has the land from the corner of Holas lane all the way to the foot path (which leads to the canal bridge) earmarked for development. If this Hotel gets the nod then it will only be a matter of time before more land is consumed. This together with the 200 home development at Sterne and industrial units south of the river which are to follow!

  3. FEET will object I note the small car park area and footpath access has been made difficult of recent here . I need to view the application in order to make valid and genuine objection to this relatively productive wildlife corridor its certainly on an area subject to flooding I would have thought. Planning Objections are taken on individual merit , objecting when it is too late is pointless , although we know of a case and an ethically committed individual who overturned a local authority in the high courts for failing to declate a major application on the UDP and discretely approving cojoined sites outside the scope of a UDP masterplan. S106 Inducements are obligations that the local authority seems seems to suck up however there is no basis why the benefit should lie within the council agenda which often soaks up there and washes there own statutory obligations which should be provided for in any case there is no reason why the wider inducement should be specific to the environnment

  4. Just an update - Planning officers have rejected this appliaction for a Hotel. Regards Andrew
