This Blog covers nature sightings and related news in the Calderdale area.
It includes all groups - Plants, animals and fungi with links to specialist sites.
Anyone wishing to become a member of this Blog and post sightings please contact us.
If you would like to join the Halifax Scientific Society either email me or come along to the next meeting.
All welcome:
Please contact us about any sensitive records before posting on the blog

Monday, 31 October 2011

Jelly Fungus

This looks like the remains of a jelly fungus found at Ogden L.N.R.
It was between the roots of a pine tree.
Jelly Fungus. Possibly Tremella lutescens

Friday, 21 October 2011

Octobers Walk - Fungus foray

 10 members and friends + 2 dogs had a foray in Wade Wood. Here are some of the pictures.

Earth Ball - Scleroderma citrinum
A Lichen. Parmelia perlata ?

A Mycena ??
Stags Horn  - Xylaria hypoxlon

Septembers Walk - Rochdale canal

Several Members had a very enjoyable walk along the Rochdale canal
Some of the crew
Shield Bug (anyone I.D. this)

Alder growing in the canal
Royal Fern (a rarity in Calderdale)

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Cromwell Bottom Development Group

 Many thanks to those who attended the meeting, we have a new committee member in Mike Henshaw  who's knowledge of the reserve will be invaluable to our group. Thanks to Mike for accepting the invitation.  A special thanks also to Hugh for walking us through the process of setting out a constitution.  We as a group have set out an interim constitution that will be ratified at the next meeting and will be held in place until a full A.G.M.,  where it can then be made permanent  by the full membership. This will give us the means to start a membership list / bank account / fund raising etc without having to wait until March. My thanks to Lisa for taking the minutes and typing this up.  Anyone wanting a copy if you could e-mail me at I will endeavour to send you one. A date has been set for the A.G.M. for the 21st of March 2012  venue to be announced at a later date, I hope you will all come along where we are hoping to have a slide show of members pictures and maybe some supper. The next meeting of the group will be on the 23rd of November at the adult learning centre in Brighouse  ALL WELCOME  please come along and show your support.
                                                                                                                                                                 Yours  Graham Haigh

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Watercress at Northowram

Hi all finally managed to get some pics of the large Watercress  patch at Northowram aprox grid ref is SE 277117

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Badger vaccine project generates 'delight'

Culling may spread TB by perturbing badgers' social groups - but vaccination would not.
The UK's first independent badger vaccination project has proved that the technique is "viable and affordable", according to the charity running it.
The Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust vaccinated 35 badgers during the summer against the bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB) in cattle. Full story.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Dog control orders consultation

Proposal to introduce five Dog Control Orders to Calderdale.

The document can be viewed in full here:
You can respond to the Consultation here:
and the on-line questionnaire is here:

Original post from Hugh Firman
Conservation Officer
Calderdale Council

To get to grips with Beech versus Birch, The Alder versus Elder, plus many other common trees.
Join this friendly, informal group for short walks specifically to enjoy and learn about trees.
Alternating between rural and urban walks, you will soon become aware of the exotic species and variable garden trees and learn to pick out the native species.
Walk 1: Meet outside Halifax Adult Education Building in Horton Street, at the junction with Union Street, Sunday 23rd October at 09.00 for 9.15 for a 2 HOUR urban walk around the centre and outskirts of Halifax – an easy walk of approximately 1½ miles. Dogs welcome. Please dress brightly for road safety, and bring a notebook. Fee £6:00 for two walks to the Halifax Scientific Society, Natural History Group. (Members free).

Contact Steve Blacksmith on 01422 348222.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Cromwell Bottom: Meeting in Brighouse Wednesday October 12th at 7:00 pm

Arrowhead at Cromwell Bottom LNR
A date has been set for Wednesday evening 12th October at 7:00 pm to look at a draft constitution for the group. If you are interested in helping this Local Nature Reserve to achieve its potential then come along to the next meeting at Brighouse Adult Learning Centre, room 13, Church Street, Brighouse.